CAMILLE GIRARD investigates the networks that bind humans to all living beings in an exploration of interconnectedness. for Girard mushrooms are portals to understanding our place in the ecosystem. Her work invites viewers to reflect on the unseen networks that connect us all.
- la danse de la mort et la vie - Acrylic paint on Cardboard - $1,500
Untitled- Acrylic paint on Artboard frame feature $250
toujours juste à côté de toi -Acrylic paint on Cardboard $400
- Impermanent - Acrylic paint on Cardboard
- $800
viens creer un univers avec moi
- $200
- fruiting bodies - Acrylic paint on Artboard - 8x8 - $50
- A Mushroom Kind of Self Love - Giclée Repro Print - 8x8 - $25
- A Mushroom Kind of Self Love - Giclée Repro Print - 8x10 - $25